Traditional Usui Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray kee)is a Japanese word meaning universal life force. It is a powerful form of energy healing. It is NOT a system of faith and all that is required is an openmind and willingness to experience the flow of energy.

How does Reiki work?

As the practitioner I channel the life force energy through my hands and into your body. The body's natural energy flow is enhanced and so to is its natural ability to heal.

Reiki works on all people of all ages and faiths releasing energy blocks and negativity to restore a balance to the mind and body.

What's involved?

Reiki can be given as a hands on or off treatment. It depends on which you would find most comfortable.You will remain clothed at all times.Treatments last for 60 minutes and are tailored to the your physical and emotional needs. This will be discussed before Reiki is carried out. 

 There are different types of Reiki available these days. I practice Usui traditional Reiki passed down from Dr Mikao Usui of Japan and Karuna Reiki passed down from William Rand.

I am a Reiki master , meaning that I have undergone all 3 levels of the Reiki teaching and attunements.

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